Results of Caspian Seal Research in 2020-2024

North Caspian Operating Company N.V. (NCOC) has published reports and presentations on  results of comprehensive scientific research of the Caspian seal population in 2020-2024.

1. Caspian Seal Research in the Water Area of the north Caspian Sea in 2023. Section 1: Assessment of the Abundance and Fertility of the Caspian Seal in the Water Area of the north Caspian Sea in 2023.
The report presents a comprehensive assessment of the Caspian seal population abundance based on aerial surveys of breeding and moulting haul-out sites, conducted in certain areas of Kazakhstani and Russian sectors of the Caspian Sea in 2023 winter-spring period.
Download the report.

2. Survey of the Caspian Seal in the Water Area of the North Caspian Sea. Autumn, 2023. Section 2: Survey of the Caspian Seal Population as an Endemic to the Caspian Sea Fauna and Indicator of the Caspian Sea Ecosystem.
The report includes data on the Caspian seal researches carried out in the north-eastern Caspian Sea: examination of captured animals, satellite tracking of tagged individuals, analysis of collected biological samples, etc.
Download the report.

3. Caspian Seal Research in the Water Area of the North Caspian Sea in 2024. Section 1: Assessment of the Abundance and Fertility of the Caspian Seal in the Water Area of the North Caspian Sea in 2024.
The report presents a comprehensive assessment of the Caspian seal population abundance based on aerial surveys of breeding and moulting haul-out sites, conducted in the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea in 2024 winter-spring period. It shows a comparative analysis of the population size in 2012, 2020-2024 is included.
Download the report.

4. Detailed Report. Impact Monitoring on the Population of the Caspian Seal in 2024.
This report shows the outcomes of monitoring surveys of Tulpar icebreaker traffic impact on seal aggregations in January-March, 2024.
Download the report.

5. Integrated Caspian Seal Population Studies in 2020-2024.
The presentation includes the following sections:
1). Monitoring the impact on the Caspian seal population during icebreaking navigation in 2024;
2). The Caspian seal aerial surveys conducted in the north Caspian Sea in 2020-2024 winter-spring periods;
3). Researches of the current seal population status in 2020-2023.
Download the presentation.

On NCOC website, in Publications, Media, you can read more about researches conducted by the Company. All the reports and presentations are available in English, Kazakh and Russian.


In the top photo: Capturing Caspian seals for researches on a sandbank in the north-eastern Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan. Still from the scientific and educational film “Caspian Seal”, created at the request of NCOC N.V. and FC RK, 2023.

Caspian seals hauling-out on a sandbank in the north-eastern Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan. Still from the scientific and educational film "Caspian Seal", NCOC N.V., FC RK, 2023.



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