IV International Scientific Conference in Rostov-on-Don
We invite you to take part in IV International Scientific Conference “Development of the Main Transport Waterways under the Conditions of the Global Climate Change on the Territory of Russian Federation (Eurasia)” in the memory of D.G. Matishov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The event is organized by the Federal Research Centre The Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SSC RAS) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). The conference will take place on September 5-9, 2022. Venue: SSC RAS (41 Chekhov Street, Rostov-on-Don, Russia). The members of Programme and Organizing Committees are scientists from Russia, Armenia, China, Hong Kong, and the USA.
The conference goal is to exchange results, systematize current problems and issues, determine research and surveys trends related to the development of the main transport waterways under the conditions of the global climate change on the territory of Eurasia.
Conference research directions (sessions):
1. Specific geographical and climatic features of Eurasia and their role in the development of the main transport waterways;
2. Aqua and terrestrial ecosystems, environmental protection;
3. Biological invasions as a global ecological problem;
4. Monitoring of natural hazards and technogenic processes in coastal zones. Transport security;
5. Regional aspects of water transport systems development. Large-scale nature transformation projects;
6. Current conditions and functional-operating problems of a water transport complex;
7. Hydrophysical studies and forecast of variability of marine environment and air. Means, methods and possibilities of operational oceanography;
8. Potential of the Russian Federation in the system of international maritime transport corridors;
9. Organizational-legal provision of the main transport waterways operation and functioning;
10. Impact of water transport systems on socio-economic sphere.
Types of participation: oral presentation; attendee (without a presentation); poster presentation; absentee participation (publication of proceedings). There is no conference registration fee. The conference languages are Russian and English. The deadline for submitting applications and proceedings is the 14th of August, 2022.
To promote researches and attract the youth to the studies, a series of lectures by the leading scientists is planned within the conference both at plenary and session meetings, as well as short-term training courses at the SSC RAS research stations. The Conference Proceedings will be published by the beginning of the event. Each publication contained in the Proceedings will be entered into the Russian Science Citation Index Database.
You can learn more about the conference, requirements to proceedings and abstracts, following the link.
For any questions and submitting applications and proceedings, please, contact Anton Ermolaev, Ph.D.: tel. + 7 863 250 98 07; go.conf.rnd@yandex.ru