Environmental monitoring of the North-Eastern Caspian Sea (2006-2016)

©2018. Reviewers: A.R. Medeu, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013 in the field of science and technology, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; N.P. Ogar, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; editorial board: Editor-in-Chief V.A. Skolskiy, General Director of KAPE LLC; Deputy Editor-in-Chief M.Z. Burlibaev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Water Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor., Deputy General Director of KAPE LLC for Science; scientific editors: S.Z. Asylbekova, Doctor of Biological Sciences; F.V. Klimov, Ph.D. (Biology); E.G. Krupa, Doctor of Biological Sciences; G.K. Mutysheva, Ph.D. (Biology); L.L. Stogova, Ph.D. (Biology); responsible editors: E.A. Skolskaya; V.N. Uvarov, Ph.D. (Giography).

Environmental monitoring of the North-East Caspian Sea during development of NCOC N.V. oil fields in the period 2006-2016

The monograph contains materials based on the results of environmental monitoring conducted by Agip KCO / NCOC N.V. during development of oil fields in Kazakhstan part of the Northern Caspian Sea. This second edition summarizes the monitoring materials for the period 2006-2016. The presented results of environmental monitoring allow tracing the impact from operations on the biodiversity and the environment of the North-Eastern Caspian Sea during development of the offshore oil fields. The monograph materials present the results of the analysis of changes in the components of marine biota (plankton, benthos, ichthyofauna, etc.), as well as changes occurring in the abiotic environment (atmospheric air, sea water, bottom sediments, etc.).

Findings on the Caspian seal are on 214-248, 289-290 pp.

Download the monograph: Environmental monitoring, 2018.


In the photo: NCOC N.V. re-opens the first wells offshore in 2016 (from NCOC N.V. web-site).



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