Environmental monitoring of the North-Eastern Caspian Sea (1993-2006)
© 2014. Editor-in-Chief Natalya P. Ogar, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Scientific Editor Yevgeniy A. Kriksunov, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences (Russia); David I. Little, MA (Cantab., Geography), Ph.D. (London, Geology); Associate Editors: Gulsim K. Mutysheva, Ph.D. (Biology); Tatyana A. Glushko, Ph.D. (Geography); Reviewer: Issa O. Baitullin, Academician of the RoK NAS, Doctor of Biological Sciences.
Environmental monitoring of the North-Eastern Caspian Sea in development of oil fields. (Findings of Agip KCO environmental surveys over the period of 1993-2006)
The compendium contains scientific papers on findings of Agip KCO environmental surveys in development of oil fields in Kazakhstan sector of the North Caspian Sea. It represents the first summary of long-term monitoring activities (1993-2006) of offshore field development operations impact on biodiversity and environment of the North-Eastern Caspian Sea. Particular articles are dedicated to analysis of changes for specific components of biota (plankton, benthos, fish fauna, etc.) and abiotic environment (sea water, bottom sediments) as a result of various activities including geophysical surveys, well drilling, infrastructure development, etc. By virtue of the fact that offshore oil fields development activities coincide with the latest sea transgression an attempt has been made to the single out impact of sea level changes on environmental conditions of the North-Eastern Caspian Sea. Special attention is paid to assessment of contamination of sea water and bottom sediments prior to the start of activities (baseline condition) and to analysis of its dynamics during development operations.
The compendium includes 2 scientific papers on the Caspian seal:
Artyukhina G.V., Gistsov A.P., Kadyrmanov A.I., Karamendin K.O., Sokolskiy A.F., Zakharova N.A., Umerbayeva R.I., Duck K. Monitoring of Caspian seal population in the North-Eastern Caspian (186-202 pp.);
Wilson S.C., Goodman S.J. Caspian seal population status and distribution in the NE Caspian (203-212 pp.).
Download the compendium: Environmental monitoring, 2014.
In that photo: S.S. Zakharov, an ichthyologist; N.P. Ogar, a botanist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, G.K. Mutysheva, a bentologist, Ph.D. (Biology). The environmental monitoring expedition, the Caspian Sea, 1990s.
In the top photo: Saule B. Kuanysheva, an inspector of the Environmental Administration; Gulsim K. Mutysheva, a bentologist, Ph.D. (Biology); and Indira Netalieva, who was engaged in industrial environmental monitoring. The environmental monitoring expedition, the Caspian Sea, 1990s.