The Caspian seal: to be silent is impossible
The Caspian seal is endemic to the Caspian Sea. On the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the species is classified as endangered.
The Caspian seal is endemic to the Caspian Sea. On the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the species is classified as endangered. In an interview with Caspian News, Sagiden T. Yerbulekov, Ph.D. (Biology), Impact Monitoring & Biodiversity Team Lead, Environmental Protection Department, NCOC N.V, spoke about the studies of Caspian seals, conducted by companies participating in the North Caspian project.
The North Caspian Project is the first major offshore oil and gas development in Kazakhstan. It covers four fields: Kashagan, Kairan, Aktoty, and Kashagan South West. The giant Kashagan field rank is one of the largest oil discoveries of the past four decades, with approximately 9-13 billion barrels (1-2 billion tonnes) of recoverable oil. The Kashagan reservoir lies 80 km offshore from Atyrau, in 3-4 meters of water, and is more than 4 km deep (4,200 meters). In 2016, the first offshore oil in the history of Kazakhstan was commercially produced from Kashagan. The operator of the project, North Caspian Operating Company N.V. (NCOC N.V,), completed a major pipeline replacement project ahead of schedule and on September 28 re-opened the first wells offshore.