Dangerous conditions for the survival of Caspian seals

An abnormally warm winter creates dangerous conditions for the survival of Caspian seals. The ice cover of the sea is reduced. If there is not it there, seals, once on the coast, will die from various external influences, – specialists say. Now scientists, with the support of one of the oil companies in Kazakhstan, are conducting ten-day studies in the Caspian Sea, where about one hundred thousand seals inhabit. 80-90% of the population migrates to the northern part of the sea for breeding in winter.


Caspian seals, the Northern Caspian, Kazakhstan. Photo by Caspian seals, the Northern Caspian. Photo by Esbol Kasymbekov.

Gulsym Kazhmanovna Mutysheva, Ph.D. (on Biology), Senior Environmental Adviser of the company:

– Basically, ice from 5 to 10 centimeters predominates, which is not very good for the Caspian seal population, for their breeding. A small area of ice of the required thickness will be reduced, and then a large number of seals will concentrate on small ice fields. This is also fraught with the fact that sick seals will infect a generation of healthy ones.

Source: Khabar NEWS.
The photos by Esbol Kasymbekov.



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